Upcoming Events


26 July 2023: Lecture on 'Landscape as Art' for the Nantucket Garden Club.

19 October 2023: Lectures on 'The Strand Palaces' and 'London Gardens in the 17th century' for London Life and Times, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.  http://www.vam.ac.uk

7 December 2023: Lecture on Bramshill House and Garden for the MA in Garden History, Buckingham University, England.

15 February 2024: Lecture on 'Landscape as Art' for The Forward Arts Foundation, Atlanta, GA.

18 April 2024: Lecture on 'Historic Gardens of the Cotswolds' for the Royal Oak Foundation, New York City.

In late spring 2020, Paula moved back to the United States, after 43 wonderful years in the UK. She continues to participate in academic activities in the United Kingdom and looks forward to developing new relationships in the US. 

email: info@paulahenderson.net | © Paula Henderson 2024 

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